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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Small Double

Morning head to the pool. After a day of rest yesterday(due to unforeseen) circumstance, can't skip this.

Water is blurish when i jump in this morning. This is the worst condition of the water that i ever experience in this pool. Yuck! No choice, have to endure abit.

Apart from the water, i guess everything seem okay. Pace seem to be okay.

I decide to stop at 1km. My right shin is hurting. I changed to freestyle and get abit paranoid looking out for torpedo coming. So i stop.

1km in 27mins. Pace much better than last, but still a bit rusty.

Tonight head to CBD for run. It is F1 route with 6 sets of 1km.

With my current condition, i am in no positing to do close to it.

I wasn't feeling that great reaching esplanade. Sigh.

Nevertheless did manage to do 4 sets of it. 1 set interval following a slow run back. I was feeling still okay, which is good. Decide to stop at 4 sets. Don't know about what i have inside the tank, but i rather take the safe approach.

Walk some distance with 2 beautiful ladies before ran back to TP.

After resting for a few mins, the 'expected' happens again. Sigh...

Even now(at home) still feeling abit unwell. A bit of giddy, almost feel like blackout for a few seconds. Better sleep early.

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