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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moving on

I was knocked out yesterday. I didn't know what hit me until i woke up this morning wondering what happened. :)

Head to the gym, get on the bike and find the legs slighted jaded. It take a while to get the system going.

It is a nice flow once the engine start moving. A good and sweaty 50mins ride this morning.

I hate to rush and decide to go slightly late for work this morning. Since i have the time to spare....

Get onto the treadmill and did a 2km run. Started off with a 5min pace...Feel okay...but legs turnover like pretty quick, dunno can last the distance or not, so lower down till 5:25min. Feel okay and proceed with that pace.

As the distance get closer, slowly pick up the pace and finish at 4:34min pace...still feeling pretty good....after the 10:44min run.

Time for a rest...:)

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