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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Slowing Moving On

Body is aching. Hmm...why haven't it recover yet? Hmm...

Tuesday evening head for a run from TP towards Indoor Stadium. Have a pretty good pace run chatting with Gen all the way there. I think 42-43mins effort.

I was really tired, just that i dont like the HR being constant high feeling...on the way back. Don't want to aggravate the condition when i can help it.

Did a few walks to calm down before proceed. Guess 45mins for the return portion.

A good workout for the calves! It starts to show the effect in the late evening.

This morning, i head to the gym as usual. Body still showing sign of aching. :(

Push on the weights, half through HR went up. Sigh...:(

No choice hit the stretching area, did some scretch and play with everyone favouriate toy! Wahaha.

Take it easy this morning. Just need to keep moving.

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