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Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Bike

Had to take a day off to rest the legs. Doesn't feel that fresh after Saturday foray in NUS. :p

Today i decide to bike to office. It wasn't plan. When the opportunity to dump the car at home for better use and out came the bike :p come along. Ma tu liao!

The load on the back is heavy than norm, with laptop and clothes etc, but that didn't stop me from having a great time heading to office.

Based on HR, i did put in more effort than norm for the ride to office. It even drizzle from time to time along the way. I was panting to say the least. It is a good session with light traffic and almost "traffic lights" less kind of environment. Cool.

Time taken: 58:07mins for 22.5km...23.1km/hr

Guess i won't be taking the short cut via the canel in the future. The canel along ulu pandan has quite a few walkers, light wasn't properly lighted, with the vision impair by the fogged goggle, it just mean that something is going to go wrong sooner or later. Plus my "ah kong" own the road mentality on some walker really make it unpleasant to proceed again. The muddy/grass to cross over from ulu pandan to IBP is another sore point. Will take a longer route in the future.

I left office almost on the dot as i have to avoid the heavy traffic later. It was a slightly different route back compare to this morning. I won't want to experience ulu pandan on the bike again.

Traffic is heavy, more stops at traffic light. As a whole, a decent ride back. Not as much effort as this morning based on HR, but good enough to have a drip out.

Distance: 21.51km, Time: 52:52hr, Average: 24.2km/hr

Seems like it is more easy and shorter to cycle back than the other way round.

A nice bike day to start the week!

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