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Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend delights - 24-25 July

The weekend run is always a challenge nowadays as we focus on TNF. I know we will pull it off, but it is going to take abit more effort than norm.

Lucky the sky holds and 11 of us gathered at NP on Saturday Morning. A good sign perhaps.

We started off feeling in good spirits. Legs are ok as we slowing move towards BT. After last week struggle with the water, i am more aware of the load behind and keep watching for the effort put in during the early phrase of the run. Whenever there is slight incline, i will tend to slow to a walk to reserve for what is coming up.

Effort is good, pacing myself through the run. Of course, with the good weather to aid us along. It is breezing as we run from time to time. Which is pretty cooling.

Ok, i make a wrong turns(a few times) and came down the wrong track. We need the distance anyway right? It is a new experience for me for going the wrong route as get to see another part of the ground in BT. Didn't know some part exist.

Fallen tree and U-turn because the vegetation is just abit too risky to get through. It was more of walk and run for me. There are litter with small humps along the way.

We have to make do with the vending machines at Petir. We miss the Qoo machine due to detour. Anyway, the vending machine there do provide some snack for the hungry ones. Just remember to bring more coins next time!

Slow and steady, we eventually make it back to NP. 20.7km based on Garmin. Feeling pretty good at the end. Must be holding back too much during the run.

A good run.

Sunday, plan for a bike, but didn't materialise as most are unavailable. Actually also good. Saturday run has taken out quite a fair bit of me too. Want to go for early morning swim, mind is pretty weak and end up sleeping through it. The calves and quads are sore for the whole day. Maybe it is luck that the skip is good.

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